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Django Form Not Being Submitted

I have a Django model/view/form that is rendering correctly in the template, but it is not submitting the data that is input to the database. Any help with this would be greatly a

Solution 1:

I tried your code. Your problem is that the action attribute of your html form tag is set to "/league/".

Unless reqPage url is actually "/league/", it won't work. When i changed action="/league/" to action="" as such:

<HTMLlang="en"><head><title>User Registration</title></head><body><formmethod="POST"action="">
        {% csrf_token %} 
        <table>{{ form }}</table><inputtype="submit"value="Create Account"  /></form><br /><br /></body></HTML>

The form did work:

In[3]: UserRegistration.objects.all()
Out[3]: [<UserRegistration: aoeu oeu>]

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