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How To Use Ckeditor In An Angular Js Web App?

I am struggling to use ckeditor within my html page built in angularjs. I have tried so many examples. ng-ckeditor directive ckeditor directive But none of those examples helped m

Solution 1: Step 1-3 are actually documented quite well in the and the rest is pretty easy to develop...

  1. get the angular-ckeditor: git clone -depth=50
  2. download resoureces via bower: bower install angular-ckeditor
  3. Write yourself a controller (see example in the
  4. link your js files in your html, keep track of the order:

use your controller and the directive inside your html as described. If you would like to pre-initialize your editor with data from your html, you could use something like this:

data-ng-init="content='this is a text with <a href="http://localhost/whatever.html" target="_blank">an embedded Link</a>'" contenteditable="true" ready="onReady()">

or you init your model variable(s) in your controller (hardcoded or via $http).

I have got this from How to use ckeditor in angular JS app?. and its worked for me.

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