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How To Change Urls Automatically In Services, After Changing Url It Should Affect To All Components Without Saving/ Building/running In Angular6

We are hosting a new application with angular 6 and we have many servers with diff URLs, i want to change them automatically(like .property file in java). after searching in google

Solution 1:

You could pass the endpoint in as a query parameter when accessing the application for the first time like this:


and then read this query parameter value in your app.component.ts and set it to the baseUrl environment variable.

Beware even though this would work, I don't know if this would be the most elegant way to achieve this.

Update: As OP requested code


Code for the demo:

Solution 2:

This is a common scenario for the Angular application. That is, you don't want to build and compile again the code on the server, if you want to change backend api url. Following is the approach that i use with my Angular projects.

Approach : 1. Create a config.json file in the assets folder, as assets folder is present on the server.

{// ---------- config.json---------"serviceUrl":""}

2. Create a variable serviceUrl in your constants file, as you will have a constant file for your angular application. Assign this variable empty value as this variable will keep the updated service url later.

exportclassAppConstants { 

  publicstatic xhr = {
        url: {
                serviceUrl: ''// <===== empty value

3. Implement APP_INITIALIZER to read the config.json file at the application start up. And read the value of serviceUrl from config.json and assign this value to the same variable present in the constants file.

   {   // in app.module.ts providersprovide: APP_INITIALIZER,
      useFactory: ConfigurationServiceFactory,
      deps: [ConfigService],
      multi: true
// ConfigurationServiceFactory which is used at App initializationexportfunctionConfigurationServiceFactory(configService: ConfigService) {
return() => configService.load();
// this method is called at application start up// and config.json file is read here, and the service url from// constant file is replaced by the value provided in the assets's config.jsonload() {
const configUrl = '~/../assets/config.json';
    returnnewPromise((resolve) => {
        .then((config: any) => {
            this.config = config;
            console.log('Configurationd fetched  : ', this.config);
            //----- variable is updated now with new value from the file -------AppConstants.xhr.url.serviceUrl = this.config.serviceUrl;
        .catch( (err) =>console.log(err));
  1. For every HTTP call, use the constants file's serviceUrl as the base url.


  2. As changing variable value in assets folder config.json will be fetched at start up and will replace the constant file variable, which we will be using for apicalls.

App Initializer code with config.json file (for referrence)

Solution 3:

This is basically the "well known file" pattern. It's a path on a web server that exposes config information. The applications have to fetch the live config via a HTTP request while they are bootstrapping, and can refresh the config by re-fetching the data.

It's based on an IETF RFC:

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