Dynamic Checkbox Html Using Jquery From Database
I have some html like this :
Solution 1:
var types = [{
"id_printer": "HPD",
"type": "F2410",
"color": "HP703",
"black": "HP60"
}, {
"id_printer": "HPD",
"type": "810C",
"color": "HP49",
"black": "HP20"
}, {
"id_printer": "HPD",
"type": "1220C",
"color": "HP78",
"black": "HP45"
}, {
"id_printer": "HPD",
"type": "840C",
"color": "HP17",
"black": "HP15"
$(document).ready(function($) {
//user selected the HPD//this should be in the success function of the Ajax call
for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
var printerTypes = types[i].type.split(",");
for (var c = 0; c < printerTypes.length; c++) {
//the click handler to the printer type changer should be outside the ajax call
$("#selectPrinter").on("change", setLabelsToPage)
functionsetLabelsToPage() {
var value = $(this).val();
var options = [];
if (types[value].color || types[value].black) {
types[value].color ? options.push(["color", types[value].color]) : null;
types[value].black ? options.push(["black", types[value].black]) : null;
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) {
$(".checkBox_controls").append($("<input />").attr("name", "color[]").attr("type", "checkbox").val(options[i][1]).attr("id", "checkbox_" + options[i][0]));
$(".checkBox_controls").append($("<label></label>").attr("for", "checkbox_" + options[i][0]).html(options[i][1] + " (" + options[i][0] + ")"));
<scriptsrc="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script><divclass="control-group"id="merkPrinter"><labelclass="control-label"for="selectError">Merk Printer :</label><divclass="controls"><selectid="selectError"class="chzn-done"data-rel="chosen"style="display: block;"><optionvalue="BRO">BROTHER</option><optionvalue="EDM">EPSON DOT MATRIK</option><optionvalue="EPD">EPSON DESKJET</option><optionvalue="HPD"selected>HP DESKJET</option><optionvalue="HPL">HP LASERJET</option><optionvalue="HPO">HP OFFICEJET</option><optionvalue="KM">KOINICA MINOLTA</option><optionvalue="PNS">PANASONIC</option></select></div></div><divclass="control-group"id="tipePrinter"><labelclass="control-label">Tipe Printer :</label><divclass="controls"><selectid="selectPrinter"></select><divclass="checkBox_controls"></div></div></div>
I took a similar approach as to the previous question. However made some slight adjustments, for assigning the labels. When there is no color/black retrieved from the database the corresponding checkbox won't we shown on the page.
I separated the change function from the assignment line. This way I could call the function from separately from the change event, to show the first options when the select is populated.
This line passes a reference to the select using call
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