How To Use A Css Sprite For A Repeating Background Image?
Solution 1:
Setting up the sprite
You can use an image sprite to do what you want. They can only repeat along one axis, i.e. repeat-x, but in your case that's all you need. Also your image within the sprite must run the entire width, this is how the browser knows to tile it.
The trick is your repeated background must extend across the FULL WIDTH of your sprite image. This is crucial. Here is your image, modified to meet that criterion:
Setting up the CSS
Now we just reference it as usual, and it will work fine:
/* Notice wrapper with SPRITE Image */.notice-wrap-sprite {
margin-top: 10px; padding: 0 .7em;
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
border-radius: 4px;
border: 1px solid #CD0A0A;
background: #fffurl( repeat-x;
background-position: 0 -52px;
Solution 2:
I think you have to put the sprite on it's own row in this case. This should work since your image is constrained vertically to a set height. At least that's what it looks like in the example.
Additionally the image would need to be the same width as the sprite. The reason the background image needs to extend the width of the sprite is because you are repeating across the x-axis and if there is blank space or another image to the left of your sprite, you will get something similar to your example.
In your example, the images in your sprite may not be a good fit with that background image since they are so wide. So it would be better if you selected other images that fit the size of that background image, probably more background images since usually you can use thinner images. See example below that I use on one of my websites.
And as msigman said, you can add repeat-x to make sure the background only repeats along the x-axis, but if you've constrained your div to a certain height and positioned the sprite correctly, the repeat-x may not matter, but it is safer.
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