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How To Vertical Align Bottom

Consider the following HTML and CSS: HTML

Solution 1:

I originally though that changing .bar to display:table-cell, would work, (example) however, in doing that, the cell takes the same height as the parent element.

The only solution that comes to mind is wrapping the span elements:


and then using the following CSS (example) - it works.

.bar {
    background-color: green;
    display: inline-block;
#bars {
.eq {
    border:1px solid black;

Basically, we assign display:table-cell, and vertical-align:bottom to the wrapping element, #bars. This works for varying heights. (example)

Note, that the spacing between the .bar elements is because of the fact that they are inline-block elements. If you want to prevent that, see this (example).

Solution 2:

Just give a line-height to your div container, which is equal to the div's height.

line-height: 50px;

Here is the JSFiddle.

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