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Expanding The Menu Appearing Underneath The Gallery In IE7

I have a colorful menu ('Destaques', 'Roupas', 'Sapatos' and 'Fale Conosco') who is working, but IE7 is behind the gallery is on the page, as I tried to solve using z-index, but no

Solution 1:

There's a lot going on here, but I'll try to take a crack at it.

First, try to work on getting your HTML to validate. There's a lot of invalid HTML that could be leading to issues.

Second, I believe IE7 does something funny with z-index. It sort of resets it's z-index based on it's parent. I know I've ran into this issue in the past. Basically, if two parent elements like this:

<div id="parent1">...</div>
<div id="parent2">...</div>

If "parent1" has a lower z-index than "parent2", all children of "parent1" will be lower than "parent2", regardless of their z-index value. What you can try to do is make sure "parent1" has a higher z-index.

From looking at your code, it seems like the parent elements are:

<div class="colorido">  <!-- the menu container -->
<div id="corpo">    <!-- the image promotional container that rotates -->

See if setting "colorido" to a higher z-index than "corpo" works. You might have to set them to "position:relative" so that it works.

It's hard for me to read that HTML and CSS, there's a lot going on here. So, I might have the wrong containers, but hopefully the idea can help you.

This page might help lead to some answers as well as some other tricks to try:

Hope that helps!

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