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How To Autoplay Audio When The Countdown Timer Is Finished?

I want to play a sound after the countdown timer is done. Normally I will do it using this peace of code var audio = new Audio('path to file.mp3');; But I get t

Solution 1:

By making you click this "START" button, they ask for an user gesture and thus have marked their document as approved-by-user to play audio. This means they are not subject for chrome's autoplay policies anymore.

Now, Safari by default is even stricter than Chrome here, and a simple click on the document doesn't work: in this browser you need to start the playback from the user-event itself.

So in your case, it won't work, even if you did start the countdown from a click like Google.

The solution is then to start the playback from the click event, and to pause it immediately after. Doing so, your Element will be marked as approved-by-user and you will ave full control over it.

const audio = new Audio("");
let time = 5;

btn.onclick = e => {
  // mark our audio element as approved by the user => { // pause directly
    audio.currentTime = 0;
  btn.disabled = true;

function countdown() {
  pre.textContent = --time;
  if(time === 0) return onend();
  setTimeout(countdown, 1000);

function onend() {; // now we're safe to play it
  time = 5;
  btn.disabled = false;
<button id="btn">start countdown</button><br>
<pre id="pre"></pre>

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